Cytoskeleton Structure Imaging Services


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Cytoskeleton Structure Imaging Services

The cytoskeleton controls the morphological and dynamic characteristics of eukaryotic cells and plays an important role in maintaining cellular integrity. CD BioSciences uses cytoskeletal imaging, labeling and detection research tools and technical resources to save you more time for research and new discoveries. Design and optimize your protocols for high-quality experimental data using powerful assay kits and imaging systems.

  • Microtubule Structure

Microtubule is a globulin, the basic structural unit of intracellular microtubules. It is a heterodimer formed by the polymerization of two protein molecules, namely α- and β-microtubule molecules. Each dimer is in turn bound to two nucleotide molecules, one tightly bound and the other loosely bound, and can be exchanged rapidly. Microtubule plays an indispensable role in maintaining cell shape, motility, and intracellular material transport.

Changes in MT structure with GTP hydrolysisChanges in MT structure with GTP hydrolysis [1].

  • Actin Structure

The amino acid sequence of actin is also one of the most highly conserved proteins, as it has remained virtually unchanged during evolution, differing by no more than 20% in a variety of species, including algae and humans. Actin is a structural protein of microfilaments that exists in two forms, monomeric and multimeric. The monomeric actin is a spherical molecule composed of a single polypeptide chain, also known as spherical actin. Multimers of actin form actin filaments, which are called fibrillar actin. Under electron microscopy, F-actin is a double-stranded helix with a diameter of 8 nm and a distance of 37 nm between helices.

Three Conformations of Actin MoleculesThree Conformations of Actin Molecules [2].

  • Intermediate Filament Structure

Intermediate fibers, also known as intermediate filaments, are about 10 nm in diameter and are intermediate between thick and thin myofilaments. Intermediate filaments are composed of a rod-like region of approximately 310 amino acids in the middle of the protein, flanked by a highly variable N-terminal head and C-terminal tail. Unlike microtubules, intermediate fibers are the most stable cytoskeletal components, which mainly play a supporting role. Intermediate fibers are distributed in the cell around the nucleus in bundles that form a network and extend to the cytoplasmic membrane, where they are attached to the plasma membrane.

Visualization of intermediate filamentsVisualization of intermediate filaments [3].

Cytoskeleton Structure Imaging Technology

Technology Advantages Applications
Transmission Electron Microscope, TEM In-situ observation and high-resolution imaging. Sub-microstructural or ultrastructural imaging.
Cryo-Electron Microscope, cryo-EM Reduce the damage of electron beam and the deformation of the sample. Imaging of temperature-sensitive samples such as proteins and biological sections.
Reflection Electron Microscope, REM Low interaction with the sample. Structural imaging of bacteria, tissue sections and other microorganisms.
Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM Large depth of field, large field of view, better imaging stereo effect. Microscopic morphological observation and composition analysis of material microregions.
Rotary Shadowing Electron Microscope, RSEM High resolution, simple sample handling, direct data evaluation. Study of cytoskeletal structure.
X-ray Macromolecular Crystallography Reliable analysis results. Crystal structure and functional studies of proteins and DNA.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, NMR No sample impairment, simple sample handling, and isomeric analysis. Analytical chemistry and structural studies of organic molecules.
Atomic Force Microscope, AFM Nanoscale resolution, 3D structural imaging. Imaging the surface structure of solid materials, including insulators.
Stimulated Emission Depletion Microscopy, STED Super-resolution imaging. Fluorescent nanoparticles, fluorescently labeled for imaging of biological cell samples.
Saturated Structured-Illumination Microscopy, SSIM Super-resolution imaging. Fluorescent nanoparticles imaging of biological cell samples.
Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy, STORM Super-resolution imaging. Imaging of protein distribution, microfilaments, microtubules, mitochondria, nuclear fibril layer and other biological samples.

Our Services

CD BioSciences offers the most comprehensive services for imaging cytoskeletal structures through a wide variety of microscopic imaging systems. Through strict monitoring and effective execution, we are committed to providing the most valuable solutions to complete your project.

The cytoskeleton is primarily responsible for maintaining cell shape and organization and is composed of various protein filaments. We offer our clients different imaging services for different components of the cytoskeleton, enabling researchers to study its localization and structure in the cell in depth.

Our Advantages

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Best After-sales Service

CD BioSciences has a professional team and advanced equipment, and the whole process is operated by experienced technicians to provide our customers with cytoskeleton-related research service. If you have any needs, please contact us.


  1. Oda T, et al. Multiple conformations of F-actin[J]. Structure, 2010, 18(7): 761-767.
  2. Nogales E. An electron microscopy journey in the study of microtubule structure and dynamics[J]. Protein Science, 2015, 24(12): 1912-1919.
  3. Kim S, et al. Intermediate filament scaffolds fulfill mechanical, organizational, and signaling functions in the cytoplasm[J]. Genes & development, 2007, 21(13): 1581-1597.

For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.