Cytoskeleton-related Genetic Diseases Research Service


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Cytoskeleton-related Genetic Diseases Research Service

The cytoskeleton not only plays an important role in maintaining cellular morphology and maintaining the internal structure of cells against external forces but is also involved in many important life activities. The physiological structure, function, and distribution of cytoskeletal proteins as well as their abnormal expression are closely related to the development of various diseases. With in-depth knowledge of cytoskeleton-related fields and extensive project experience, CD BioSciences provides references on genetic diseases to help you understand our various testing services and welcomes you to contact us directly for more specific solutions.

Cytoskeleton Associated Genetic Diseases

  • Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex,EBS
    EBS is an autosomal dominant disease. The clinical symptoms are mainly an increased epidermal response to mechanical injury and blistering on the joint surfaces of exposed areas such as hands and feet, knees and elbows, neck and other areas when repeatedly rubbed.
  • Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia,PCD
    PCD is an autosomal dominant disease. It is mainly caused by mutations in the heavy chain DNAH5 gene, which encodes the kinesin, resulting in defects in the external and internal kinesin arms, leading to abnormal ciliary motility and impaired ciliary clearance in the mucosa, resulting in chronic or recurrent respiratory infections.
  • Huntington's Disease
    HD is mainly inherited in an autosomal dominant manner and is a progressive, fatal neurodegenerative disease caused by the amplification of polyglutamine repeats in the HD gene. HD is characterized by chorea, seizures, involuntary movements, dystonia, cognitive decline, mental retardation, and mood disorder.

Morphological characteristics of EBS cells(right)Morphological characteristics of EBS cells(right) [1].

Our Services

The physiological structure, function and distribution of cytoskeletal proteins and their abnormal expression are closely related to the development of various genetic diseases. CD BioSciences has a variety of cellular research platforms that provide imaging and detection services for many types of aging cells.

  • Genetic Diseases Model Construction
    We provide our clients with animal models of various cytoskeleton-related genetic diseases, and through cell biology and structural biology, we explore the regulation of cytoskeleton-related organelles in physiological and pathophysiological states and the pathogenesis of related diseases to help our clients develop disease-related therapies.

Process of Disease Model Construction

Process of Disease Model Construction

  • Cells Mechanical Properties Analysis for Genetic Diseases
    With our high-resolution microscopy platform and extensive experience in biomechanical studies, we provide our clients with analysis of the mechanical properties of cells at the foci of various genetic diseases.
  • Cytoskeleton Imaging for Genetic Diseases
    The physiological structure, function, and distribution of cytoskeletal proteins, as well as their abnormal expression, are closely associated with the development of various genetic diseases. With our high-resolution imaging technology, we provide cytoskeleton imaging services in genetic diseases to help our clients conduct research related to cytoskeletal genetic lesions.

Our Advantages

Cost Effective

Cost Effective



High Quality

High Quality

High Efficiency

High Efficiency

CD BioSciences provides our global customers with cost effective, high quality and efficient research solutions for cytoskeleton related diseases. We guarantee on-time delivery of our products and results, please contact us for more details.


  1. Evtushenko N A, et al. Keratins as an Inflammation Trigger Point in Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex[J]. International journal of molecular sciences, 2021, 22(22): 12446.

For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.