Cytoskeleton Mechanical Properties Detection Service

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Cytoskeleton Mechanical Properties Detection Service

The cytoskeleton is the main mechanical structure of a cell, which is a complex, dynamic biopolymer network of microtubules, actin, and intermediate filaments, where different types of cells aggregate to become tissues that perform different functions. CD BioSciences provides complete mechanical testing services with professional biomechanical research experience.

Mechanical Properties of Three Types of Cytoskeletal Polymers

The filaments of the cytoskeleton are not only simple mechanical supports, but they also exercise many important physiological functions. Thus, it is not always possible to separate the purely mechanical role of cytoskeletal polymers from their biochemical activity, but without these filaments, eukaryotic cells would be too soft and fluid to retain their shape and perform their functions.

Stiffness and structure of cytoskeleton filamentsStiffness and structure of cytoskeleton filaments[1].

The three types of cytoskeletal filaments differ from each other chemically and physically, the most significant difference being the stiffness of each polymer type, which ranges from a few hundred nanometers for IF to 10 μm for F-actin to millimeters for MT.

Methods for Mechanical Property Analysis

  • Micropipette Aspiration Technique, MAT: The dynamics of cell deformation under negative pressure to study the mechanical and viscoelastic properties of cells.
  • Biomembrane force probe, BFP: Based on MAT, the microtubules are manipulated by the piezoelectric crystal actuator sucking method to achieve a kinetic cycle of approach-contact-pullback between two cells or goblets.
  • Atomic Force Microscopy, AFM: A method for studying the intermolecular kinetic properties of specific interactions.
  • Optical Tweezerstechnology: As a force probe or force sensor for measuring the interaction process between particles.

Our Services

Research has shown that both internal and external physical forces can act through the cytoskeleton to affect local mechanical properties and cellular behavior. CD BioSciences has a well-established technology platform and sophisticated instrumentation to accurately measure the mechanical properties of biological tissues and cells.

  • Cell Mechanical Properties Detection Service
    With years of experience in cell biology research, CD BioSciences provides a platform for the analysis of the mechanical properties of cytoskeletal polymers to help our clients delve into the physiological mechanisms of the cytoskeletal polymer network.
  • Tissues Mechanical Properties Assay Service
    Soft tissue biomechanics focuses on the mechanical properties of biological soft tissues under physiological and pathological conditions. CD BioSciences provides biomechanical analysis services for different soft tissues with its rich experience in the field of biomechanics.

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Best After-sales Service

CD BioSciences has a professional team and advanced equipment, and the whole process is operated by experienced technicians to provide our customers with cytoskeleton-related research service. If you have any needs, please contact us.


  1. Fletcher D A, et al. Cell mechanics and the cytoskeleton[J]. Nature, 2010, 463(7280): 485-492.

For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.