Proteins Purification Services for Intermediate Filaments


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Proteins Purification Services for Intermediate Filaments

Intermediate filaments are widely found in eukaryotic cells and were first discovered in smooth muscle cells, where they are named "intermediate" because they are between thick and thin muscle filaments. CD BioSciences saves you more research time and new discoveries with one-stop protein purification services through a wealth of protein expression systems and technical resources. Design and optimize your protocols with powerful assay kits and imaging systems to obtain high-quality experimental data.

Overview of Intermediate Filaments

Intermediate fibers, also known as intermediate filaments, are about 10 nm in diameter and are intermediate between thick and thin myofilaments. Intermediate fibers are closely related to microtubules and may have a role in microtubule assembly and stabilization. In addition, intermediate fibers extend from the nuclear fibril layer through the cytoplasm, which not only has a supporting role for cellular rigidity and a coordinating role for structures that produce motility, but also, and more importantly, intermediate fibers are related to important life activity processes such as cell differentiation, intracellular information transfer, intranuclear gene transfer, and intranuclear gene expression.

Determination of intermediate filament (IF) architectureDetermination of intermediate filament (IF) architecture [1].

Different Types of Intermediate Filament Proteins

Intermediate Filament Associated Proteins Function
LINC Nucleus—intermediate filament linkage
Plakins Linkage to adhesion sites
Plectin Intermediate filament—integrin linkage
Kinesin Filament transport
Dynein Filament transport
Myosin Filament transport

Our Services

CD BioSciences provides the most comprehensive services for intermediate filaments purification. We can provide label-free purified proteins for structural analysis, natural protein purification, soluble proteins at the gram or kilogram level and beyond. Through strict monitoring and effective execution, we are committed to providing the most valuable solution to complete your project.

The common protein tags we provide are 6xHIS, Flag, GST, c-Myc, eGFP/eCFP/eYFP/mCherry, HA, SUMO, etc.

Our Advantages

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Advanced Biotechnology

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Customizable Designs

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Competitive Pricing

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Best After-sales Service

CD BioSciences has a professional team and advanced equipment, and the whole process is operated by experienced technicians to provide our customers with cytoskeleton-related research service. If you have any needs, please contact us.


  1. Hohmann, et al. "The cytoskeleton—a complex interacting meshwork." Cells 8.4 (2019): 362.

For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.