Peptides and Proteins


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Peptides and Proteins

With our well-established protein expression platform and high-end technology, CD Biosciences can provide our clients with more specialized cytoskeletal proteins, including those derived from cancer cells for drug screening, as well as those derived from plant or fungal sources suitable for research in their respective fields.

Cytoskeletal Proteins

Microtubule is a family of proteins that contains several members. Its most common members are α-microtubule and β-microtubule, which are the main components that make up microtubules. Microtubules are formed by the aggregation of dimeric units formed by α-microtubule and β-microtubule. The degree of microtubule protein aggregation within a cell affects the length of microtubules and furthermore the cell morphology. CD BioSciences offers a large number of microtubule-related proteins to assist our customers in their research.

Actin plays a large role in cellular activities such as muscle contraction, cell transfer, division and protoplasmic flow, movement of vesicles and organelles, transmission of information between cells, establishment and maintenance of cell shape and junctions, etc. CD BioSciences offers a large number of actin-related proteins to assist our clients in their research.

Intermediate filaments are the most stable cytoskeletal component, and they play a major role in support. Intermediate filaments are distributed in the cell around the nucleus in bundles that form a network and extend to the cytoplasmic membrane, where they are attached to the plasma membrane. CD BioSciences offers a wide range of actin-related proteins to assist our customers in their research.

The cytoskeleton also contains many structural units of accessory proteins, such as proteins that interact with microfilaments and proteins that interact with microtubules. CD BioSciences offers a large number of actin-related proteins to assist our customers in their research.

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For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.