Organelle Transport Research Service


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Organelle Transport Research Service

Intracellular organelles undergo rapid structural and distributional changes in real time, and these changes are regulated by the intracellular environment, which in turn serves as a regulatory tool to influence the intracellular environment and thus perform complex cellular functions. CD BioSciences has extensive experience in cell biology research through high resolution imaging and biochemical analysis to provide relevant research services to our clients.

Cytoskeleton & Organelle Movement

  • Intracellular Movement of Peroxisomes (PO) and Lipid Droplets (LD)
    In mammals and filamentous fungi, POs and LDs are uniformly distributed in cells where they undergo short-range stochastic motility. This uniform distribution and local random motility may lead to frequent organelle-organelle interactions that are known to support their various cellular functions. It was shown that the uniform distribution of PO and LD is the result of cytoskeletal action. Among them, the directional and random movement of PO receives regulation by microtubule, while myosin 5 is responsible for the slow polar drift of PO.

Peroxisomes migrate to the cell tip in the absence of MTs or kinesin-3Peroxisomes migrate to the cell tip in the absence of MTs or kinesin-3 [1].

  • Cytoskeletal Proteins Regulate Mitochondrial Transport
    Mitochondria are cellular power plants that provide ATP necessary for neuronal growth, survival, and regeneration. The distribution of mitochondria to distal axons depends on microtubule (MT) based motors that move them in both directions along the axon by mechanisms that require ATP hydrolysis to adapt to the physiological processes of the cell.

Organelle Transport Mediated by Cytoskeletal Protein Modifications

Microtubule is further diversified by many post-translational modifications, such as acetylation of α- and β-microtubule, methylation of α-microtubule, phosphorylation of α- and β-microtubule, etc.

Post-translational modifications of microtubule proteins vary widely between cell types and are developmentally and spatially regulated. Many studies have now documented the selective transport of various cargoes across a subset of microtubules that have undergone specific modifications. For example, as lysosomes move from the cell periphery to the cell interior, they switch between tyrosylated and acetylated microtubules. Vesicles in epithelial cells leave the trans-Golgi network along polyglutamylated microtubules that are functionalized by septin-2 fibers and aligned with the apical basal cell axis. In flagella, cargo movement is efficiently separated for cis- and retrograde transport by moving on adjacent tracks of differentially modified microtubule duplexes.

Interaction of lysosomes with microtubulesInteraction of lysosomes with microtubules [2].

Our Services

With the development of super-resolution microscopy, detailed views of the spatial organization of cytoplasmic organelles within eukaryotic cells have been produced. CD BioScience provides various organelle transport research service through a variety of high-resolution imaging techniques to help clients gain insight into their important role in cell physiology.

  • Mitochondrial Transport Analysis
    We have achieved dynamic super-resolution analysis of mitochondrial substructures based on fluorescent probe technology, which reveals the dynamics of organelle-cytoskeleton interactions for our customers and provides tools for further study of the physiological functions of different organelles.
  • Lysosomal Transport Analysis
    We offer a range of lysosomal dyes that penetrate the cell and can localize lysosomes to help our customers explore the role of cytoskeletal proteins in regulating lysosome distribution and transport.

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Best After-sales Service

CD BioSciences has a professional team and advanced equipment, and the whole process is operated by experienced technicians to provide our customers with cytoskeleton-related research service. If you have any needs, please contact us.


  1. Lin C, Schuster M, et al. Active diffusion and microtubule-based transport oppose myosin forces to position organelles in cells[J]. Nature communications, 2016, 7(1): 1-14.
  2. Guardia C M, et al. BORC functions upstream of kinesins 1 and 3 to coordinate regional movement of lysosomes along different microtubule tracks[J]. Cell reports, 2016, 17(8): 1950-1961.

For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.