Actin Dynamic Imaging Services


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Actin Dynamic Imaging Services

The cytoskeleton controls the morphological and dynamic characteristics of eukaryotic cells and plays an important role in maintaining cellular integrity. CD BioSciences use actin dynamic imaging, labeling and detection research tools and technical resources to save you more time for research and new discoveries. Design and optimize your protocols for high-quality experimental data using powerful assay kits and imaging systems.

Dynamic Actin Networks

Dynamic actin networks play an important role in cell migration, morphogenesis, immune response and intracellular pathogen movement. The architecture and geometry of the actin networks are tightly controlled in these essential cellular processes, and defects in this control cause pathologies, such as ageing disorders.

Actin Dynamics During Tumor Cell Dissemination

The acquisition of motile and invasive phenotypes is a characteristic of aggressive tumors. Migration and invasion are needed for local invasion, intravasation into the vasculature, and extravasation at distant sites. The formation of actin-rich protrusions is a key feature of cancer cells that allows them to disseminate and colonize other organs. Thus, tumor cell motility and invasion are key rate-limiting steps during cancer progression and metastasis formation. Tumor cells are capable of activating different molecular mechanisms to remodel the actin cytoskeleton in order to leave primary tumors and travel to other organs.

Primary tumors have a complex tumor microenvironmenPrimary tumors have a complex tumor microenvironmen [1].

Our Services

CD BioSciences provides the most comprehensive services for actin dynamic imaging projects. Through strict monitoring and effective execution, we are committed to providing the best value solutions to complete your project.

  • Actin Dynamic Imaging in Cell Migration
  • Actin Dynamic Imaging in Morphogenesis
  • Actin Dynamic Imaging in Immune Response
  • Actin Dynamic Imaging in Intracellular Pathogen Motility

Obtaining real-time information on actin dynamics must ensure that the cells operate naturally during the experiment as much as possible in terms of physiological mechanisms, and therefore will make the experiment more difficult. Our high-performance imaging solutions can overcome these challenges of live cell imaging and help discover new information about cell physiology and dynamics.

Our Advantages

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Advanced Biotechnology

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Customizable Designs

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Best After-sales Service

CD BioSciences has a professional team and advanced equipment, and the whole process is operated by experienced technicians to provide our customers with cytoskeleton-related research service. If you have any needs, please contact us.


  1. Zwetsloot A J, et al. Measuring microtubule dynamics[J]. Essays in Biochemistry, 2018, 62(6): 725-735.

For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.