
Hundreds of proteins are localized in centrosome, and they are essential for the proper organization and function of the centrosome, which is critical for many cellular processes, including cell division, cell motility, and cell signaling. Centrosomal antibodies target proteins located in centrosome, including functional proteins, structural proteins and PCM proteins, which are very powerful tools for detecting and measuring the presence of specific proteins or other molecules of interest.

Scheme of protein interactions in centrosomeScheme of protein interactions in centrosome (Uzbekov, et al. 2020)

CD BioSciences offers centrosomal antibodies that are very helpful in determining the location of the protein within the cell, as well as its abundance and expression level to accelerate the research processes of revealing the mechanism of centrosome, as well as the therapeutical and diagnostic development of centrosome-related disease.

If you couldn't find products you need, please feel free to contact us for our customized antibody development service.


  1. Uzbekov, et al. Principal Postulates of Centrosomal Biology. Version 2020. Cells vol. 9,10 2156. 24 Sep. 2020.

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