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Dendrimer Engineering Service

Dendrimer Engineering Service

The application of dendrimers is limited due to their disadvantages such as cytotoxicity and low transfection efficiency. As an expert in dendrimer research, CD BioSciences integrates emerging technologies and advanced tools into dendrimer engineering platforms to reduce cytotoxicity and improve transfection efficiency and biocompatibility, thus breaking the limitations of their applications. We are proud to offer a variety of dendrimer engineering customization services to meet your every detailed need.

Why Dendrimers Need Engineering

Different types of toxicity related to dendrimers. Different types of toxicity related to dendrimers. (Kharwade R, et al., 2022)

As a nanoscale 3D macromolecule, dendrimers have a well-defined spherical structure. Due to their multivalency and host-guest encapsulation properties, dendrimers are widely used for drug and gene delivery. On the one hand, the reactivity and multi-interaction nature of the terminal surfaces of dendrimers with other molecules can cause cross-linking of polymers and use them as multifunctional carriers, which is the multivalent property of dendrimers. On the other hand, dendrimers have host-guest encapsulation properties that can trap bioactive molecules in the hydrophobic inner cavity. Although dendrimers are widely used as drug and gene delivery carriers, like other nanomaterials, dendrimers have the following drawbacks leading to limited applications.

  • The terminal NH2 group on the surface of dendrimers is cytotoxic
  • The interaction between the cationic charge on the surface of the dendrimer and the negative charge of the cell membrane becomes hemolytic toxicity, which can affect blood parameters
  • Easily and rapidly cleared by reticuloendothelial system
  • Non-specific delivery, low transfection efficiency
  • Poor control of the drug release behavior because of dendrimer open network.

Advantages of Dendrimer Engineering

Dendrimers are cytotoxic, hemolytic, hematotoxic, immunogenic, and toxic in vivo. Surface functionalization modification of dendrimers is one of the main approaches to address these problems. The high-density groups on the surface of dendrimers facilitate binding to a variety of ligands, including lipids, fluorinated compounds, amino acids, glycans, proteins and peptides, polymers, and nanoparticles. Functionalization of dendrimer macromolecules not only eliminates structural defects but also improves properties and adds new features. For example, coupling the neutral part of the dendrimer surface, the positive charge is wrapped, the cytotoxicity is reduced, and the cycle time is prolonged. Combining dendrimers with different ligands increases biocompatibility, improves transfection efficiency as well as targeting, and exhibits sustained and controlled release behavior at the site of desired action.

Surface-engineered dendrimers in gene delivery.Surface-engineered dendrimers in gene delivery. (Yang J, et al., 2015)

Our Services

With advanced technology and sophisticated equipment, CD BioSciences provides global customers with cost-effect, high quality and hassle-free engineering customization services to meet their growing needs in many applications.Our dedicated scientists are proud to provide customized learning solutions according to your specific needs, and deliver reliable results with fast turnaround time. Our services include but are not limited to.

  • Reduced Cytotoxicity
  • Enhanced Transfection Efficiency
  • Improved Targeting

Want to Learn More?

CD BioSciences not only has innovative dendrimer products, but also offers the most comprehensive and effective solutions for engineering dendrimers for our customers worldwide with our highly trained and experienced scientists. We are committed to helping our customers solve all problems encountered in the functionalization of dendrimer surfaces to advance their applications in a wide range of biomedical fields. Each of our deliverables will undergo rigorous quality checks to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the results. If you are interested in our services or have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Kharwade R, et al., Toxicity and Surface Modification of Dendrimers: A Critical Review. Curr Drug Deliv. 2022, 19: 451-465.
  2. Yang J, et al., Surface-engineered dendrimers in gene delivery. Chem Rev. 2015, 115: 5274-300.

For research use only. Not for clinical use.