Centrosome Structural Analysis Service


Centrosome consists a pair of centrioles, and each centriole is a cylinder of microtubules. The development of electron microscopy, cryo-tomography, and super-resolution makes it possible to build a clear structure of centrosome and centrioles. CD BioSciences provides centrosome structural analysis service with our advanced technology and experienced experts for meeting our global customer's demands in centrosome research and the therapeutic development of centrosome-related disease.

Centrosome Structural Analysis Service

Overview of Centrosome Structure

Centrosome is a eukaryote organelle involved in cell division, sensory reception, locomotion and embryogenesis, and it's consisted of a pair of centrioles. Each of them is a cylinder of microtubules that are consisted of a ring of 9 triplets of microtubules. The centriole is an evolutionary conserved cylindrical structure typically ~500 nm high and ~250 nm in diameter. The centriole can be divided in three main regions, proximal-core-distal, with each containing specific structural sub-elements.

The peculiar structure is conserved among eukaryote organisms, but in a few groups, this structure becomes extremely variable and in other groups it is lost entirely. The centrosomes are found in all major eukaryote clades, especially in animals and fungus, in which the centrosomes are of important functions in many biological processes, such as cell division and cell migration. They provide the axoneme of cilia and flagella, which are basis of cell mobility and signaling.

Centrosomal structural organizationCentrosomal structural organization (Gomes Pereira S, et al., 2021)

The Method of Centrosome Structural Detection

Cryo-electron tomography (Cryo-ET) provides three-dimensional imagery and snapshots from the native cell interior. It makes it possible to study biological processes in a cell. It's getting more and more popular in the field of Cryo-EM in the recent years, which can be applied to study the internal organisms, typically for many structures inside cells, for example, subcellular organelles. It provides high-resolution structures of macromolecules and information about cellular processes. In this technology, the use of chemicals, fixatives, and detergents can be avoided, retaining the integrity of the cell.

Our Service

CD BioSciences offers centrosome structural detection service for our global customers with the cutting-edge equipment and experienced experts. The workflow of our service is as following.

Our Service

  • Sample preparation by vitrification: cells are not stained but flash-frozen directly, and the liquid water forms non-crystalline vitreous ice, thus avoiding the damage caused by the formation of crystals at slower freezing rates.
  • Localization by fluorescence: the structures of interest are identified in the cryo-fluorescence light microscope.
  • Thinning by milling: the focused ion beam is used to prepare a thin, electron-transparent lamella by removing material above and below the target region.
  • Electron cryo-tomography: creates the 3D tomographic volume.
  • Visualization and structural analysis: segment and color the 3D tomogram for display and presentation.

Why Choose Us

Professional Team

Professional Team

Comprehensive Platform

Comprehensive Platform

High Efficiency

High Efficiency

One-stop Service

One-stop Service

With skilled and experienced genomics and cytology experts, state-of-the-art equipment and advanced technology, CD BioSciences offers customer all over the word services related to fields of centrosomal research. Our one-stop service program is your best assistant to accelerate you process of centrosomal research. Please feel free to contact us and get started with our high-quality services.


  1. Gomes Pereira S, et al. Biophysical and Quantitative Principles of Centrosome Biogenesis and Structure. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Oct 6;37:43-63.

Our services are for research use only and not for any clinical use.